


A Topographical Dictionary of England


 Samuel Lewis (1831)

Transcript copyright Mel Lockie (Sep 2016)


AXMOUTH, a parish in the hundred of AXMINSTER, county of DEVON, 2¾ miles (S. by E.) from Colyton, containing 529 inhabitants. The living is a vicarage, in the archdeaconry and diocese of Exeter, rated in the king's books at £22. 19. 2., and in the patronage of John Hallett, Esq. The river Axe runs through the parish, and falls into the English channel, where a convenient harbour for coasting vessels of one hundred and twenty tons' burden has recently been constructed, by John Hallett, Esq. Here is a school for the education of poor children, to which William Serle, in 1726, gave a small endowment. From the numerous traces of Roman occupancy on the eastern bank of the river, it is supposed that this was the famous port Moridunum.